Friday, October 17, 2003

How Many Ways Can People Sit In A Round Table

Blue Night

may not be able to give you the best

many times did you find my efforts useless

may not be able to give you the best
many times did you find my
ridiculous gestures as if this were not enough to have given up on me

same as if this were not enough all the force of my love

and all I did feel that

wrong and I changed everything about me because I was not quite

and I understood only
now that you were afraid

may not be able to give you the best

but I did my math and I discovered that I do not have more

as if not enough to have given up on myself
as if all this were not enough the strength of my love

and all I did feel that

wrong and I changed everything about me because I was not quite

and I realized just now ...

and all I did feel that

wrong and I changed everything about me because I was not quite

and I understood only now


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