Sunday, February 29, 2004

6 Numbers Combination

voice who has see?



Wednesday, February 25, 2004

How To Use Clairol Born Blond Toner


debbie... CRASH!

All right back to that in mid-December night in the rain by a concert in a city pad that comes from the same concert at the traffic light plan as he sees the patrol road at the same intersection.


All right that just because the patrol road is there, it soon raises the fine (minimum penalty, that ass, € 68.25 and in less than two points on the license) for failing to moderate the speed in the vicinity of an intersection, wet and at night.

It is good that the good company of buffer between whiplash injury and other states in the minutes and the emergency room (you've seen my brother? "Well ... we are in the area).

All right that you had to throw the car and then the scrap at once and buy a brand-new.

All right insurance that shit will make you pay (penalty) and you may also send a cancellation of the contract (as in monopoly then pay to sister companies).

But now, after two and a half months, a fine vigilance leads me to notify the license suspension for 60 days *, not that eh! E 'tenacity and good looking!

* (We notice that with the new provisions, tightened, the violation of the code - in my case, art. 141 / 3 - certified by verbal personal injury, where there is clear accountability, involves automatically penalty as ancillary administration, the prefectural ordinananza of license suspension for up to 3 months, or 6 in the presence of serious injury, or 12 in case of death and serious; see Arts. 222-223, in the meantime, if you dare to drive, even the scooter, they risk arrest!).

reread my previous post just now and I know of foresight!

Sunday, February 22, 2004

How To Hook Up Time Warner Phone


passport, pleeeeeeease!

bites in the night
engraved in the mucosa of the mouth and nerves stretched extreme

until snaps and pops and breaks again and I turned

and sweating with eyes open and closed
wide open and slipping into a dream
asleep in
(sa metal mouth)

documents and documents says the police torture of karma and you